jeudi 26 mai 2016

Milano : Tuttofood 2017

TUTTOFOOD 2017: with even more to offer the biggest food&beverage fair in Italy

Milan, 19 April 2016 – The most international event in Italy connecting supply in demand is constantly evolvingin order to anticipate and interpret the most interesting trends. This is TUTTOFOOD’s winning formula. The show takes place every two years – during odd years – in the fieramilano convention centre in Rho.
With a layout featuring 12 areas – two of which are new for 2017 -  that cover all specializations in the industry, in only 5 editions, TUTTOFOOD has made its way into third place among B2B food fairs in Europe, and is, by far, the top show in Italy. This leading position is the result of the quality of business it offers along with (big) numbers.
It’s the professionals, most of whom are in unanimous agreement, to proclaim this loud and clear: 94% of exhibitors say they are satisfied with the quality of visitors to the stands, 88% say they are satisfied with attendance and 86% are satisfied with the contacts they have made. In fact,  TUTTOFOOD’s visitors are decision-makers in the food & beverage world and it’s here where they where they want to invest: 38% have complete control over the budget, 44.7% play a role in the process and only 17.3% play no role in the buying process.
This success is also reflected in how many of the big players have confirmed so far in advance that they will participate in 2017. They come from the major producing regions of Italy as well as from food associations and international companies and collectives.
Today  – more than a year away from the next edition – more than 40% of the exhibition space occupied in 2015 has been reserved, even without having Expo occurring at the same time. Participation by international producers highlights the central role the show plays on the European landscape. These producers now associate Milan with food thanks to the Expo2015 initiative, which has designated the Italian city as a place for international relations when it comes to food and food policy.
There are to be many innovations for the next edition. The product categories in Fruit Innovation – the vegetable and fruit section of the show that brings together products and technologies  –  will serve to round out the show with fresh foods. TUTTOHEALTH is to also make its grand premiereThis  area goes beyond the organic concept – with lines offered in the stands of almost all exhibitors – to embrace a concept of overall wellness, all the way tonutraceuticals with participation by qualified partners. 
Two of the areas that have historically been top draws at TUTTOFOOD are also seeing growth: TUTTODAIRY, which is today taking on new challenges like the “free-from” trend and new markets that are discovering Italian cheeses;  and TUTTOFROZEN, which features a healthy and sustainable way to preserve foods by combining freshness, natural qualities and convenience. So this is an area that is ever more in line with the lifestyles of tomorrow’s consumers.  
Another exciting innovation at the show is Spazio Nutrizione. This is a true macro-area dedicated to knowledge and sharing, and it has 4 themed areas, each of which is focused on specific needs: Adult, dedicated to the role nutrition plays in prevention in adults; Kids, which will touch on aspects having to do with children; Earth, for nutrition that is healthy, natural and sustainable from all points of view; Sport, which will offer important ideas and information for amateur and professional athletes. Created thanks to a scientific partnership with Akesios Group, the Spazio Nutrizione event will take place during even years at the Centro Congressi Mi.Co., which is to make its debut from 5 May to 7 May this year.
The next edition of TUTTOFOOD is to take place in fieramilano in Rho from 8 May to 11 May 2017.
For updated information on the show: and on the major social media channels (#TUTTOFOOD, @TuttoFoodExpo).

  • International B2B show dedicated to food & beverage, organized by Fiera Milano every two years (odd years) in the convention centre in Rho
  • Covers 12 areas: Frozen, Pasta, Dairy, Bakery, Meat, Green, Sweets, Deli, Seafood, Grocery, Drinks, Oil
  • The top Italian B2B show in the industry, with 78,493 professional visitors in 2015, 30% of whom came from abroad, IFS-certified
  • Top business platform in the industry in Italy with 2,100 hosted buyers who in 2015 - via 11,790 business matching appointments – met with 2,838 exhibitors from 37 countries representing more than 7,000 brands
  • Association partners: Aidepi, Assica, AssoBirra, FederBio, Mineracque, Unaprol, UnionAlimentari and Unas
  • Internationalization partnership with the ITA – ICE Agency
  • Scientific partnership with Akesios Group for Spazio Nutrizione

vendredi 13 mai 2016

Transpotec/Samoter 2017

19 November 2015An important new chapter in the Italian exhibition sector is currently opening out. Fiera Milano and Veronafiere have signed a collaboration agreement for the contemporary scheduling in synergy of the next editions of their respective events Transpotec Logitec ( and SaMoTer(, which will now be held 22-25 February 2017 in the Verona exhibition centre.

Transpotec Logitec (biennial, owned by Fiera Milano) is the leading Italian exhibition dedicated to road transport and logistics. SaMoTer, International Earth Moving and Building Machinery Exhibition (triennial), is the historic event owned by Veronafiere and the landmark for construction machinery. The last edition was held in conjunction with Asphaltica, the event organized in collaboration with Siteb (Italian Bitumen, Asphalt & Roads Association) dedicated to machinery and technologies for road paving and infrastructures.

Prompted by a desire to meet the needs of builders, that have to maximise their investments in such complex times for the construction and transport sectors, two of the leading exhibition centres in Italy join forces and combine their respective expertise in related fields to offer operators an integrated product overview better able to respond to their needs. The two events will retain their respective identities and specific trade character but will share exhibition spaces and entrance gates, as well as coordinate promotional and sales initiatives.

“Lining up these two shows, which target inter-linked sectors (as the Verona exhibition centre has already experimented), helps optimise the market leverage represented by professional trade fairs,” said Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Fiera Milano. “Transpotec Logitec and SaMoTer will both benefit in terms of added value and appeal for sector operators. I would like to emphasize that this is the outcome of an agreement between two of the leading trade fair companies in Italy, which share a particular conviction: namely, that our response to international competition requires us to develop important and appealing events in Italy in those areas where we enjoy leadership. And if this impetus is weakened by the fragmentation of the trade fair offering, we must work together, as in this case.” 

“Veronafiere has always demonstrated its willingness to create a system in the best interests of its client companies and the reference industry. This is our vocation and our corporate culture. It has enabled us in more than one hundred years of operations to adapt our products to the times and market changes while retaining leadership in those sectors where Veronafiere, thanks to its central location and specialization, is acknowledged throughout the world,” said Giovanni Mantovani, CEO & Director General of Veronafiere. “This agreement demonstrates that we know how to create conditions that enable the entire construction and transport value chains – where products often refer to the same parent companies – can make the most of their opportunities provided by effective and efficient trade fairs which, as in this case, are tools that can generate positive impact to the reciprocal benefit of all stakeholders involved.” 

The appointment for all sector professionals is in Verona 22-25 February 2017.

Contact AeP Consultants :

vendredi 6 mai 2016

Agroalimentare : Accordo Fiera Milano e VeronaFiere


Nuovo accordo per la fiera unica dell’Ortofrutta
Veronafiere organizza evento ed educational dedicati al vino a TUTTOFOOD

Verona, 6 maggio 2016 – Veronafiere e Fiera Milano, le due più importanti realtà fieristiche italiane, firmano un accordo per dare al Paese un unico appuntamento internazionale annuale dedicato all’ortofrutta che punta su innovazione e mercati esteri.
La nuova manifestazione nata dall’unione di Fruit Innovation a Milano e Fruit&Veg System a Verona, avrà cadenza annuale e si svolgerà alternativamente a Verona, negli anni pari, dando enfasi alla filiera e quindi alle tecnologie agricole ed a Milano negli anni dispari, con un focus sul prodotto finito.

La partnership è stata presentata oggi a Verona nel corso di Fruit&Veg System.

La prima edizione della nuova fiera dell’Ortofrutta, Fruit&Veg Innovation, si svolgerà dall'8 all’11 maggio 2017, in concomitanza con TUTTOFOOD, a Milano, e vedrà il coinvolgimento di operatori provenienti da tutto il mondo.  La manifestazione completerà l’offerta del comparto emergente dei prodotti biologici e vegani, largamente presenti a Milano, e godrà anche della concomitanza con Spazio Nutrizione, il grande convegno medico-scientifico organizzato da Akesios con Fiera Milano in programma a TUTTOFOOD 2017, che consentirà di raggiungere anche il settore dei nutrizionisti e dietologi.

L’agreement firmato oggi prevede iniziative congiunte nell’ambito di TUTTOFOOD anche nel settore del vino, che dal 2017 avrà uno spazioorganizzato da Veronafiere.
Il progetto concordato tra Fiera Milano e Veronafiere, regolato da un patto di non concorrenza, prevede la realizzazione di un evento denominato “Wine Discovery” gestito da Veronafiere.

L’area, curata dalla Vinitaly International Academy, coinvolgerà la produzione italiana e internazionale, esperti del mondo vitivinicolo e sommelier in eventi di promozione e formazione professionale rivolti agli operatori presenti alla rassegna milanese.
Fiera Milano e Veronafiere rispondono così all’esigenza di creare sinergie di filiera nell’interesse degli operatori del settore agroalimentare.

«Grazie a questo accordo – spiega Corrado Peraboni, Amministratore Delegato di Fiera Milano – le due Società fieristiche mettono a fattore comune la propria esperienza superando logiche di parte per creare un’offerta in linea con le attese di un mercato maturo e sempre più orientato all’internazionalizzazione. Si tratta inoltre di due importanti conferme: in primis la strategia di Fiera Milano volta a creare e accogliere in TUTTOFOOD format fieristici dall’alto potenziale di sviluppo per i settori di riferimento: infatti, solo uno strumento di business reale e organico che mette a disposizione un’offerta davvero completa per gli operatori può diventare profittevole anche per chi lo realizza. Questa filosofia stenta a farsi avanti tra gli organizzatori italiani di fiere – conclude Peraboni – ma riteniamo che essa sia l’unica soluzione attraverso cui offrire reali occasioni di progresso per l’intero Sistema Paese. La seconda conferma è il riconoscimento che Milano fa del ruolo di Verona nel settore del vino: Vinitaly è una eccellenza del made in Italy che è compito di tutti tutelare».

«Questa nuova partnership strategica tra Verona e Milano – commenta Giovanni Mantovani, Direttore Generale di Veronafiere – rappresenta un esempio per l’intero sistema nazionale delle fiere. Come auspicato dal settore agroalimentare si mettono da parte i localismi con l’obiettivo di unire le forze e sostenere insieme un comparto che, nel 2015, ha raggiunto un export di 36,8 miliardi di euro, in crescita del 7,4% sull’anno precedente. In uno mercato fieristico sempre più competitivo e internazionale, abbiamo scelto di ottimizzare le risorse, creando sinergie di filiera tra le nostre manifestazioni per lo sviluppo del business di espositori e operatori. L’accordo finalmente attua in concreto quel percorso di razionalizzazione voluto dall’ex viceministro del Mise Carlo Calenda e portato avanti dal suo successore, Ivan Scalfarotto e dal Ministro delle politiche agricole, Maurizio Martina. La collaborazione con Fiera Milano ci permette di capitalizzare ulteriormente la nostra esperienza nel settore dell’ortofrutta ma anche il know how vitivinicolo, forte del successo della 50ª edizione di Vinitaly e del padiglione Vino – A Taste of Italy ad Expo 2015.»

Veronafiere e Fiera Milano hanno anche stabilito di valutare, entro un mese dalla edizione congiunta 2017 di SaMoTer e Transpotec Logitec (Verona, 22/25 febbraio), la realizzabilità di un piano industriale per lo svolgimento in contemporaneità delle due rassegne anche nelle edizioni successive.

contact : AeP Consultants -

mercredi 4 mai 2016

Rimini : Flora Trade Show


Le Salon international de la floriculture, de la jardinerie et du paysage, qui se tiendra au 14 au 16 septembre à Rimini Fiera, recevra un projet consacré à l'évolution des espaces verts en ville.
Un caractère international fort et des parrainages prestigieux

Rimini, avril 2016 – Le parc citadin est un lieu de rencontre, un instrument pour rendre la vie en ville plus agréable, un espace productif en mesure de représenter un plus dans l'offre touristique et donc un acteur du développement économique. C'est sur ce principe qu'est fondé le projet « I Parchi Urbani », les parcs citadins, lancé par Rimini Fiera avec la collaboration du Studio Grassi Design dans le cadre du salon Flora Trade Show - Salon international de la floriculture, de la jardinerie et du paysage, qui se tiendra à Rimini Fiera du 14 au 16 septembre prochains.

Notamment grâce au fait qu'elle se déroule en septembre, la manifestation, qui a pour objectif de promouvoir la floriculture et la culture du paysage sous toutes ses formes, devient le moment idéal pour s'interroger sur la floriculture et traiter des différents thèmes liés à la conception des espaces verts publics et privés. Elle prévoit également l'organisation de tables rondes autour du thème de la protection de l'environnement. Il s'agit là de sujets importants dans de nombreux domaines : du tourisme au bien-être psychique et physique, de la prévention des déséquilibres hydrogéologiques au développement durable de l'environnement.
C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit l'initiative « I Parchi Urbani », une exposition qui répond à la nécessité qui se développe de manière de plus en plus claire, aussi bien en Italie qu'à l'étranger, de dégager le parc citadin de son intérêt purement esthétique et passif pour en faire un environnement dynamique. L'exposition s'articulera autour d'un parcours interactif qui conduira les opérateurs à travers les différentes formes de parc citadin : des espaces verts du bord de mer aux parcs potagers, de l'espace vert pour le réaménagement des zones industrielles désaffectées au parc historique, le tout étoffé par une série de séminaires, ateliers, dégustations et activités de formation pour les différentes professions. L'environnement qui sera ainsi créé saura transmettre une vision innovante et multiforme de l'espace vert citadin, sans solution de continuité entre l'exposition et les événements qui gravitent autour d'elle, entre les produits et les contenus locaux.
Flora Trade Show, fortement tourné vers le business et la formation professionnelle, se distinguera cette année encore par son caractère international fort, grâce au programme de séances de travail avec des délégations d'acheteurs provenant de France, Belgique, Hollande, Grande Bretagne, Pologne, République Tchèque, Allemagne, Autriche, Slovénie, Croatie, Serbie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Monténégro, Kosovo, Macédoine, Albanie, Roumanie, Bulgarie, Turquie, Tunisie, Algérie et Maroc.

L'initiative est parrainée par le Ministère italien des politiques agricoles, alimentaires et forestières, les organismes Confagricoltura, CIA et Coldiretti Emilia Romagna, l'association nationale des plantes et fleurs d'Italie, l'association nationale des jardineries exportatrices, l'association italienne des centres de jardinage. Cette année encore, elle se tiendra en même temps que MacFrut, afin de rassembler l'ensemble de la filière dans un seul lieu.

Pour le Pays France, Algérie, Maroc et Tunisie veuillez contacter AeP Consultants à l'email suivant :

Site Internet :
Dates : du 14 au 16 septembre 2016
Entrée : uniquement réservé aux opérateurs professionnels, sur invitation (SUD)

Heures d'ouverture : de 9h30 à 18h00, le dernier jour clôture à 17h0à