samedi 28 janvier 2017

DeltaPo Family Destination Outlet

Le 12 avril 2017 ouvrira ses portes à Occhiobello (RO) - Italie - DeltaPo Family Destination Outlet  un nouveau concept, une nouvelle façon de penser et de vivre l'outlet. En effet DeltaPo Family Destination ne sera pas un outlet habituel consacré exclusivement au shopping, mais cette nouvelle 'destination pour les familles' offrira aux visiteurs beaucoup plus. DeltaPo Family Destination Outlet sera le premier centre en Italie que à part la vente au détail donnera place aussi à d'autres éléments qui appartiennent au terroir du Delta Po où tourisme, nature, histoire, tradition, culture et art se fondent pour présenter aux familles une offre complète et capable de fidéliser ls visiteurs 
Pour plus d'information veuillez contacter :

jeudi 12 janvier 2017

Sigep AB Tech Expo - Rimini

AeP Consultants Sarl vous donne rendez-vous au salon Sigep + AB Tech Expo qui aura lieu à Rimini du 21 au 25 janvier 2017. Forte d'une belle présence d'exposants français AeP Consultants a organisé, aussi,  une importante délégation d'acheteurs internationaux en provenance de : Algérie, Afrique du Sud, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Egypte, France, Liban, Lybie, Maroc, Tunisie, Senegal. Une délégation que sous l'enseigne de AeP Consultants regroupe des professionnels de nationalité différente intéressés à participer aux B2B avec les exposants présents à Sigep.

Samoter 2017

30th SaMoTer scheduled at Veronafiere 22-25 February 2017

FOIV-Federation of Orders of Engineers in the Veneto Region will present award at Veronafiere to the most innovative proposals for the prevention of hydrogeological risk and the recovery of areas affected by natural calamities. Entries for the contest may be sent until 31 January. SaMoTer 2017 will focus on the contribution of earth moving equipment in emergency situations.
Verona, 12 January 2017 – An award for six outstanding projects combating hydrogeological problems and the action needed in the wake of natural calamities, such as earthquakes, landslides and floods. This initiative is launched by FOIV-Federation of Orders of Engineers in the Veneto Region that will make the awards to the winners during the 30th edition of SaMoTer, the International Triennial Earth Moving and Building Machinery Exhibition scheduled at Veronafiere 22-25 February 2017
The contest – sponsored by the National Council of Engineers, the Civil Defence Department of the Veneto Region, the Veneto-Trentino Alto Adige Interregional Fire Brigade Directorate and Confindustria Veneto – targets engineers all over Italy who will be able present a project focusing on two topics: territorial safety in terms of prevention and recovery of areas affected by an environmental emergency.
The deadline for submissions complete with documentation has been extended until 31 January 2017. The regulations and enrolment methods are available online on the FOIV website ( or the SaMoTer website (
The three best entries in each of the two categories will be illustrated and rewarded during Samoter on 23 February: first prize is 1500 euros; with 1000 for second and 500 for third. The aim of the competition is to promote the most innovative solutions for protection of areas with significant hydrogeological risks such as Italy.
In this sphere, technology is proving to be increasingly crucial, over and above expertise and planning. This is why the focus of Samoter 2017 is entirely dedicated to the input that advanced earth-moving machinery can provide operators involved in hazardous environments

samedi 7 janvier 2017

DeltaPo : Ambasciate nel Mondo

L’impegno per l’internazionalizzazione del territorio DeltaPo e per la crescita di visibilità e credibilità per DeltaPo Outlet si svilupperà in contemporanea nei principali paesi europei che possono garantire flussi di visitatori importanti per l’area di interesse, come i paesi dell’ex Jugoslavia, l’Austria, l’Ungheria, la Repubblica Ceca e la Francia. È stata creata una rete di ambasciatori che rappresentano e promuovono in modo stabile le attività del territorio del Delta del Po e di DeltaPo Outlet nell’area di competenza.
ANGELO PAVONE : Francia  - JUDIT CSANYI : Austria e Ungheria - ANITA BUNCIC – Croazia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia ed Erzegovina -  GALINA TONINO : Russia - Repubblica Ceca in via di definizione.

WELCOME CHINESE : Welcome Chinese” è uno standard di accoglienza riconosciuto ed apprezzato dal mercato cinese, ottenuto dalla China Tourism Academy (Ente del Ministero del Turismo Cinese) che garantisce requisiti di eccellenza e fruibilità per luoghi, strutture ed esercizi in relazione alle esigenze del turismo cinese.
Questo accordo su base annuale consente al territorio del Delta del Po e a DeltaPo Outlet di essere strategicamente promossi in Cina, attraverso la partecipazione ad eventi, fiere di settore, missioni commerciali, conferenze stampa e attraverso la divulgazione di materiale 
promozionale cartaceo e digitale.
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