lundi 23 novembre 2015
Vinitaly 2016
Les Inscriptions pour participer à Vinitaly (Vérone 10/13 avril 2016) sont ouvertes, pour toute information veuillez nous contacter à l'email suivant :
samedi 21 novembre 2015
Vinitaly 2016
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À Vinitaly 2016: Le Hall Vininternational dédié aux exposants étrangers: un endroit à voir et pour être vus, une opportunité de placer votre société sur la scène internationale.
Frais d’Inscription pour Exposants directs: € 600,00 + TVA
Frais d’Inscription Co-exposant: € 250,00 + TVA / chacun
Frais d’Inscription Sociétés Représentées: € 200,00 + TVA / chacune
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Les Exposants participant dans le Hall Vininternational pourront profiter de “forfaits pour stand pré-équipés” incluant les prestations gratuites suivantes:
Echéances importantes (click here et imprimer le mémo des principales échéances):
31 août 2015 Date limite pour les tarifs préférentiels (sauf pour les tarifs du Hall Vininternational qui restent inchangés
30 Septembre 2015 Date limite pour l’Application Form et début de l’attribution des espaces
Décembre 2015 Acceptation de votre Application Form et Notification d’Admission
Janvier 2016 vous pouvez utiliser votre Espace Personnel pour:
30 Janvier 2016 Date limite d’Inscription dans le Catalogue Officiel
4-9 Avril 2016 Dates de montage
14-16 Avril 2016 Dates de démontage
Pour obtenir plus d’informations concernant les réservations, veuillez contacter:
Angelo Pavone, email:
Tél : +33 143283926 |
jeudi 19 novembre 2015
Samoter/Transpotec 2017
Verona-Milan, 19 November 2015. An important new chapter in the Italian exhibition sector is currently opening out. Fiera Milano and Veronafiere have signed a collaboration agreement for the contemporary scheduling in synergy of the next editions of their respective events Transpotec Logitec ( and SaMoTer (, which will now be held 22-25 February 2017 in the Verona exhibition centre.
Transpotec Logitec (biennial, owned by Fiera Milano) is the leading Italian exhibition dedicated to road transport and logistics. Samoter, International Earth Moving and Building Machinery Exhibition (triennial), is the historic event owned by Veronafiere and the landmark for construction machinery. The last edition was held in conjunction with Asphaltica, the event organized in collaboration with Siteb (Italian Bitumen, Asphalt & Roads Association) dedicated to machinery and technologies for road paving and infrastructures.
Prompted by a desire to meet the needs of builders, that have to maximise their investments in such complex times for the construction and transport sectors, two of the leading exhibition centres in Italy join forces and combine their respective expertise in related fields to offer operators an integrated product overview better able to respond to their needs. The two events will retain their respective identities and specific trade character but will share exhibition spaces and entrance gates, as well as coordinate promotional and sales initiatives.
“Lining up these two shows, which target inter-linked sectors (as the Verona exhibition centre has already experimented), helps optimise the market leverage represented by professional trade fairs,” said Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Fiera Milano. “Transpotec Logitec and SaMoTer will both benefit in terms of added value and appeal for sector operators.
I would like to emphasize that this is the outcome of an agreement between two of the leading trade fair companies in Italy, which share a particular conviction: namely, that our response to international competition requires us to develop important and appealing events in Italy in those areas where we enjoy leadership.
And if this impetus is weakened by the fragmentation of the trade fair offering, we must work together, as in this case.“Veronafiere has always demonstrated its willingness to create a system in the best interests of its client companies and the reference industry.
This is our vocation and our corporate culture. It has enabled us in more than one hundred years of operations to adapt our products to the times and market changes while retaining leadership in those sectors where Veronafiere, thanks to its central location and specialization, is acknowledged throughout the world,” said Giovanni Mantovani, CEO & Director General of Veronafiere. “This agreement demonstrates that we know how to create conditions that enable the entire construction and transport value chains – where products often refer to the same parent companies – can make the most of their opportunities provided by effective and efficient trade fairs which, as in this case, are tools that can generate positive impact to the reciprocal benefit of all stakeholders involved.”
The appointment for all sector professionals is in Verona 22-25 February 2017.
Transpotec Logitec is the biennial event organized by Fiera Milano dedicated to transportation and logistics. It is held in Verona that, thanks to its geographic location and major industrial vocation in the field of road transport, distribution and components, is a landmark for the entire sector. This event is designed to offer effective answers to all operators – hauliers, logistics managers, fleet owners, organised distribution, couriers and owner-drivers – through a comprehensive range of systems, products and services, as well as numerous opportunities for updating and training. The last edition was attended by 260 companies and attracted 24,107 visitors.
SaMoTer, the Triennial International Earth Moving and Building Machinery Exhibition, has been held in Verona since 1964 and is the leading event dedicated to the construction machinery sector in Italy. The Exhibition is a partner event in the cycle of European trade fairs sharing the patronage of CECE – the European Federation which brings together building machinery manufacturers. Now at its 30th edition, with over 50 years of history behind it at the service of the sector, SaMoTer 2017 is the most important event in Europe for the construction sector.
mercredi 11 novembre 2015
Fieragricola 2016
A l'occasion de Fieragricola ( qui aura lieu à Vérone du 3 au 6 février 2016, nous organisons pour compte de la foire, en tant que délégué officiel, une délégation de professionnels en provenance de l'Algérie et de la Tunisie intéressés à visiter le salon et à participer aux rencontres B2B avec les exposants de leur intérêt.
Soyez protagonistes ne perdez pas cette opportunité d'être présents à une manifestation internationale et plus que centenaire.
Pour plus d'informations et/ou pour connaître les conditions de participation veuillez nous contacter au mail suivant :
Fieracavalli 2015
La 117ª edizione della manifestazione chiude oggi a Veronafiere
La prossima edizione è in programma dal 3 al 6 novembre 2016
Verona, 8 novembre 2015 – Un’edizione sempre più internazionale conferma Verona capitale europea del mondo equestre. La 117ª edizione di Fieracavalli ha chiuso oggi a Veronafiere registrando in quattro giorni oltre 160mila visitatori. Numeri in aumento sul fronte delle presenze estere, pari al 16% del totale (
«Il successo di pubblico e di operatori specializzati – commenta il presidente di Veronafiere, Maurizio Danese – ha premiato il lavoro e gli sforzi per proporre un format sempre più trasversale, capace di innovarsi ad ogni edizione e farsi portavoce delle istanze di un intero settore, sostenendolo e promuovendone lo sviluppo. Un buon risultato iniziato con il sold out degli spazi commerciali grazie a 750 espositori da 25 nazioni, cresciuti del 15% sull’anno scorso».
«Questa edizione di Fieracavalli ha confermato la scelta di puntare sul binomio sport-turismo quale driver di crescita – spiega il direttore generale di Veronafiere, Giovanni Mantovani –. Gli investimenti per favorire l’incoming di operatori dall’estero, la caratura mondiale dei campioni presenti ai concorsi ippici e la forte attrattiva delle iniziative sull’equiturismo in Italia e oltreconfine, ci hanno permesso di raggiungere l’obiettivo di aumentare il tasso di internazionalità della rassegna, con forti presenze da Germania, Francia, Austria, Slovenia, Svizzera, Croazia e arrivi anche da Russia, Argentina e Brasile».
Fieracavalli è l’unico evento rappresentativo dell’intero panorama equestre, in grado di riunire intorno alla passione per il cavallo sport, turismo, business e spettacolo, grazie a più di 200 appuntamenti in programma tra gare, show, attività didattiche e di formazione. Il cavallo è stato protagonista assoluto della rassegna, presente nei 12 padiglioni e nelle aree esterne con 3mila esemplari (400 in più dell’anno precedente) di 60 razze da tutto il mondo: dal più piccolo esistente – il Falabella, coi suoi 80 centimetri – allo Shire, gigante mansueto di due metri al garrese, fino ai più curiosi, come lo Zebrallo Malawi, incrocio tra cavallo e zebra.
A Fieracavalli, oltre all’unica tappa italiana della Coppa del Mondo di salto ostacoli del circuito Fei (Federazione equestre internazionale), si è tenuto per la prima volta il concorso ippico internazionale a due stelle (CSI2*), senza dimenticare la finale del Progetto Giovani della Fise (Federazione italiana sport equestri), il Concorso nazionale pony, le competizioni tradizionali della monta western con gli speed event e le gare di morfologia.
Riguardo all’equiturismo, è stata presentata in anteprima la guida Italia a cavallo, realizzata con il Touring Club Italiano. Debutto positivo anche per il Salone del Turismo Rurale, start-up di Veronafiere con 200 espositori che esplora un fenomeno sempre più diffuso nel Paese, alla scoperta delle tipicità dei territori.
Centrale come ogni anno, poi, la parte allevatoriale del salone Italialleva, realizzato in collaborazione con Aia (Associazione italiana allevatori) che ha raccontato la biodiversità italiana attraverso 480 esemplari del Libro genealogico. Le qualità del cavallo da sella italiano, invece, sono state messe in mostra nel padiglione del ministero delle Politiche agricole, alimentari e forestali che, proprio a Fieracavalli, ha firmato uno storico accordo con la Fise per la sviluppo della filiera legata a questa razza. Spazio anche al cavallo arabo, iberico e frisone nei padiglioni loro dedicati.
Spettacolo e divertimento, infine, con il Villaggio del bambino, il Westernshow, il Gala d’oro serale Ladies, le Notti di Fieracavalli e la tradizionale sfilata delle carrozze nel centro storico di Verona.
La 118ª edizione di Fieracavalli torna a Verona dal 3 al 6 novembre 2016.
Contact : AeP Cosultants :
Sicurezza 2015
Compliments à la délégation du Maghreb
18,955 visitors, 333 exhibitors from 30 countries – and, in addition, more than 100 brands represented – and 67 conferences: these are the figures from the first show held in an odd-numbered year
18,955 visitors, 333 exhibitors from 30 countries – and, in addition, more than 100 brands represented – and 67 conferences: these are the figures from the first show held in an odd-numbered year
Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Fiera Milano, had this to say: “SICUREZZA 2015 has played a fundamental role in the strategic repositioning of the exhibition within the European security exhibition scenario. It has served as a ‘bridge’, moving the event from even- to odd-numbered calendar years, a necessary change of timescale approved by companies in the sector to favor the process of internationalization, opening up new business opportunities in countries located around the Mediterranean, an area with great development potential for this sector.”
“The international nature of SICUREZZA” - Peraboni continued - “is also confirmed by the interest shown by 130 top hosted buyers from 31 countries, mainly from Egypt, the Maghreb, Russia, South Africa, Georgia and Kazakhstan, who held 1,000 meetings with exhibitors at the show.”
In particular, trade professionals from the Maghreb and Russia were very interested in Italian offerings. They appreciated the high level of technology involved and the distinctive attention to design.
AeP Consultants for French and Maghreb -
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