lundi 27 février 2017

Vérone : Transpotec Logitec, Samoter and Asphaltica

Impressive attendance by operators, satisfaction among companies and successful business on the stands. The three shows held for the first time together at the Verona Exhibition Centre, thanks also to an agreement between Fiera Milano and Veronafiere.

Verona, 27 February 2017 – With 84,000 visitors from 86 countries over four days, Verona confirmed its status as a capital for transport, logistics and construction & road machinery. The Transpotec Logitec and Samoter with Asphaltica shows all closed today: trade show organised respectively by Fiera Milano and Veronafiere held together for the first time in the Verona Exhibition Centre with 780 exhibitors from 25 countries, 10 halls and 6 outside areas for a total net show area of more than 84,000 square meters. The three shows highlight key sectors for the development of Italy, as the Under-secretary for infrastructure and transport, Umberto Del Basso De Caro, said during the inauguration last Wednesday.
«The decision to work together, build a system and activate synergies with Veronafiere has certainly borne fruit ... given the results achieved by the three events," saidRoberto Rettani, President of Fiera Milano. "This edition of Transpotec, in particular, confirms the approach taken by Fiera Milano three editions ago. Facts and figures, optimism and overall satisfaction clearly evident in the halls undeniably confirm the event as the most important and well-attended business opportunity for sector operators in Italy. The genuine interest shown by visitors to the show in the proposals exhibited by companies often turned into contracts and is the result of recovery and new awareness among operators but also sign of willingness to renew fleets, thereby making an effective contribution to the development of the entire Country-System in terms of efficiency and environmental sustainability».
«Our goal as trade show organizers," said Maurizio DanesePresident of Veronafiere, "is to develop events capable of being effective business and promotion tools at the service of the entire sector. The construction machinery sector in recent years has experienced one of its most serious recessions ever and Samoter 2017, together with Asphaltica, was consequently a major challenge involving a great deal of responsibility for the 450 companies who, with us, believed in the project to re-launch the format initiated in 2014. The return of several major brands, significant business on the stands, more and more qualified operators and expansion of international buyers confirm the success of Samoter number 30 and we are already looking forward optimistically to the next edition».

Infos : AeP Consultants Sarl - mail

vendredi 24 février 2017

DeltaPo Family Destination Outlet

Nella piacevolissima cornice del ristorante “Pisacco” con la deliziosa cucina di chef Berton, i nostri ospiti – accolti dall’Amministratore Unico Bruno Contini e dal Direttore Marketing e Sviluppo Gianluca Gerosa – hanno ascoltato con grande interesse la nascita di questo nuovo hub, in grado di proporre un’esperienza di viaggio per tutta la famiglia, all’interno della quale convivono natura, cultura, spettacolo, sport, enogastronomia, wellness, ospitalità in hotel e shopping.
DeltaPo Family Destination gode di un attracco fluviale, sulla linea che collega Locarno a Venezia. Per i visitatori sarà possibile alternare lo shopping a una gita sulle motonavi, alla scoperta del fiume Po e del suo Parco, patrimonio dell’Unesco per l’unicità della sua flora e della sua fauna.
Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Il Sole 24 Ore, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno tra i quotidiani presenti.
Dove, Guida Viaggi,, TTG Italia, Travel, Marco Polo, Touring, Bespoke, L’Agenzia di Viaggi tra gli specializzati nel settore turismo.
Elle, Style, The Lifestyle Journal, Intimità della Famiglia, Degustare, Gentleman/Ladies tra i magazines.
DeltaPo Family Destination apre ad Occhiobello (Rovigo) il prossimo 12 Aprile 2017.
Promotion en France AeP Consultants

dimanche 12 février 2017

Samoter : Save The Date

Du 22 au 25 février 2017 aura lieu à Verona Fiere la 30ème édition de Samoter (, le Salon triennal International des machines pour le terrassement, chantier et pour le BTP, qui encore une fois se présente comme la foire de référence su secteur.
Lieu incontournable pour les opérateurs du secteur Samoter qui se déroulera au même temps que Asphaltica et Transpotec/Logitec, salon international du transport et de la logistique, propose le service de FREE BADGE afin de donner la possibilité à un nombre important de professionnels étrangers de visiter la Manifestation et participer aux rencontres B2B avec les exposants.
Si intéressés, merci de laisser un message sur: 

dimanche 5 février 2017

Sol D'Oro Northern Hemisphere

Dal 15 al 20 febbraio a Veronafiere

Il Giappone per la prima volta a Sol d’Oro Emisfero Nord, la competizione che laurea i migliori oli extravergine di oliva del mondo

Per gli oli vincitori, iniziative promozionali durante Sol&Agrifood, il Salone dell’agroalimentare di qualità che si svolge in contemporanea con Vinitaly ed Enolitech. Nei giorni 20 e 21 febbraio in programma gli EVOO Days, la nuova iniziativa di formazione, informazione e business per la filiera olivicola.

Verona, 2 febbraio 2017 – Sarà una sfida appassionante, quella proposta da Sol d’Oro Emisfero Nord, con l’Italia che dovrà dimostrare di essere sempre il Paese di riferimento internazionale per la qualità dell’olio extravergine di oliva. A fronteggiarla campioni provenienti dal bacino del Mediterraneo, con tanta Spagna, primo produttore mondiale, Turchia, Croazia, Slovenia e Francia con gli oli della Corsica.
Per la prima volta partecipano alla competizione organizzata da Veronafiere anche oli extravergine di oliva prodotti in Giappone. L’obiettivo, per i produttori del Paese del Sol Levante da poco dediti alla coltivazione dell’olivo , è quello di misurarsi con l’esperienza millenaria degli altri Paesi per crescere e  migliorarsi.
L’olio extravergine di oliva è particolarmente apprezzato dal mercato giapponese e il Paese ospiterà, nel settembre prossimo, Sol d’Oro Emisfero Sud.
Iscrizione e consegna dei campioni per Sol d’Oro Emisfero Nord devono avvenire entro il 10 febbraio. Gratuita la partecipazione per espositori e coespositori di Sol&Agrifood. Informazioni su
Forte di una storia ormai consolidata e di una commissione giudicante formata dai migliori panelist internazionali coordinati fin dal primo anno dallo stesso capo panel, Sol d'Oro Emisfero Nord giunto alla 15^ edizione rappresenta la più importante competizione dedicata agli oli extravergine di oliva al mondo.
Il suo valore, oltre che nella qualità del giudizio, sta nelle iniziative di promozione commerciale verso i buyer di tutto il mondo realizzate per gli oli vincitori durante Sol&Agrifood, l'appuntamento di riferimento per l'olio extravergine di oliva in programma in contemporanea a Vinitaly ed Enolitech dal 9 al 12 aprile prossimi.
I vincitori di medaglia nelle tre categorie Extravergine (fruttato leggero, fruttato medio e fruttato intenso), Monovarietale e Biologico, inoltre, potranno apporre in etichetta un bollino del “Concorso Internazionale Sol d’Oro Emisfero Nord 2017” con il colore e la dicitura del premio vinto (Sol d’Oro – Sol d’Argento – Sol di Bronzo) e verranno inseriti nella Guida “Le stelle del Sol d’Oro”, distribuito ai buyer internazionali e ai delegati di Veronafiere nel mondo.
Nel giorno conclusivo di Sol d’Oro, inaugurazione della prima edizione degli EVOO Days (20-21 febbraio 2017), il forum ideato Veronafiere per la formazione e il networking della filiera dell’olio extravergine di oliva di qualità. Tre i focus della due-giorni: il miglioramento dell’oliveto e della qualità dell’olio nazionale; l’export, con workshop sui mercati di Usa, Giappone e Taiwan; il marketing, con approfondimenti su come rendere efficace la partecipazione alle fiere, sul packaging e sull’utilizzo del web. Iscrizione su

Sigep / AB Tech Rimini Communiqué final

 Présence accrue des visiteurs étrangers:
41.827 venus de 170 pays
Vidéos à regarder sur
Une édition record pour IEG avec 1250 exposants. Focus sur business international, tendences et formation professionnelle.
En évidence les filières artisanales del gelato, pâtisserie, boulangerie, café et chocolat

Rimini, 25 Janvier 2017 – 208.472 opérateurs présents (+ 3,5%), avec une augmentation significative de la présence étrangère passée à 41.827 visiteurs (+ 29%) venus de 170 Pays. Avec ces données sous le signe de l'excellence absolue s’est achevée aujourd'hui à la Foire de Rimini une autre grande édition de SIGEP - la 38ème – le Salon international du gelato et de la pâtisserie artisanale, cette année en même temps que AB TECH EXPO, dédié à l’art blanc.

L’année 2017 a confirmé que SIGEP, organisé par IEG Italian Exhibition Group SpA, la société issue de la fusion de Rimini Fiera et Fiera di Vicenza, se situe dans la catégorie des grands salons mondiaux, ceux qui expriment un rôle de point de référence absolue dans leurs économies respectives. SIGEP représente le succès des filières fortement liées entre elles (cette année on a vu une croissance sensationnelle du secteur dédié au café, entré dans la dénomination officielle du Salon) et d’une formule qui intègre la recherche, la technologie, le produit et la formation, se présentant au public mondial avec la valeur ajoutée du made in Italy.

1250 exposants impliqués sur 118.000 m², soit une augmentation de 5000 m² et première étape d'une extension du quartier qui apportera 11.000 m² supplémentaires lors de l'édition de SIGEP 2018, du 20 au 24 Janvier.
Plus de 800 événements promus par Rimini Fiera et par les exposants, accueillis par un public de professionnels hautement motivés pour découvrir de nouvelles techniques et idées de produit. 703 journalistes et blogueurs italiens et étrangers, pour le développement de plus de 170 millions de contacts à ce jour.

SIGEP – a souligné Lorenzo CAGNONI, Président de IEG - est la meilleure réponse qu'un Salon peut donner au marché et au territoire. C’était une édition spéciale, qui confirme que le choix d'investir dans les Salons leader s’est révélé extrêmement réussi. IEG continuera sur cette stratégie, et en relation avec toutes les entités institutionnelles facilitant les relations internationales, fournira au marché de nouvelles frontières de croissance. Une remarque sur le territoire: il est important que la satisfaction des opérateurs économiques soit si répandue car elle montre comment ces manifestations jouent un rôle important, en particulier dans une conjoncture encore difficile”.
IEG - a déclaré le directeur général Corrado Facco - a commencé l’année 2017 sous le signe du meilleur Made in Italy, en valorisant les deux secteurs d'excellence de notre économie, tels que ceux de la pâtisserie artisanale et de la joaillerie. Avec SIGEP et VICENZAORO Janvier, nous avons attiré l'attention sur les profils de haute qualité et développement à l'étranger, facteurs décisifs pour l'expansion de toutes les entreprises italiennes et internationales. SIGEP s’achève sur un bilan record, mais le vrai thermomètre de l'édition 2017 de ce Salon - qui représente un événement professionnel incontournable au niveau mondial - est le taux de satisfaction et de confiance que nous témoignent les entreprises, en reconnaissance de l'excellent travail fait en termes de promotion et de l'organisation ".

Événements principaux du programme 2017 : le Campionato mondiale juniores di pasticceria (remporté par le Japon), le German Challenge (62 glaciers allemands pour disputer les 9 pass pour l’étape de Berlin du Gelato World Tour), la grande finale de Bread in The City (remportée par l’Italie), The Ultimate Chococake Award dédié aux professionnels dans l’art de travailler le chocolat et les Campionati italiani baristi avec le seul rendez-vous national avec sept compétitions valables pour le circuit international du Word Coffee Events. À SIGEP a également été présenté le Gelato Festival, le premier événement itinérant de gastronomie du gelato italien promu en synergie par Sigep et Carpigiani.

Data: 21 - 25 janvier 2017; Organisateur: Italian Exhibition Group SpA; édition: 38° SIGEP e 5° A.B. TECH EXPO; periodicité: annuel SIGEP, biennal AB TECH EXPO; catégorie: internazional; entrée: réservé aux opérateurs professionnels agli; horaires : 9h30 – 18h00, dernier jour 9h30 – 15h00 (15h00 – 17h00 seuleument avec le ticket online); italian exhibition director: Patrizia Cecchi; group brand manager: Flavia Morelli; brand manager: Gabriella de Girolamo (gelateria), Giorgia Maioli (pasticceria, panificazione, caffè); info visiteurs: tel.0039 0541 744111; website: - #Sigep2017

Head of National Media & Corporate Communication: Elisabetta Vitali;
Head of International Media & Corporate Communication: Patrizia Rovaris;
Sede di Rimini:
Press Office Manager: Marco Forcellini;
Communication specialists: Alessandro Caprio, Nicoletta Evangelisti Mancini

jeudi 2 février 2017

Samoter : Véronafiere 22/25 février 2017

30th edition of SaMoTer at Veronafiere 22-25 February 2017 in conjunction with Asphaltica and Transpotec


Exhibitors at the international show include Bobcat, Dieci, Faresin Industries, Magni Telescopic Handlers, Manitou and Merlo. The Italian construction machinery market: SaMoTer Observatory-Prometeia data indicate growth in exports (+0.7%) and imports (+26%) from January to October 2016.

Verona, 26 January 2017 – BobcatDieciFaresin IndustriesManitouMerlo and, for the first time, Magni Telescopic Handlers: the big names in the telehandler field have already confirmed attendance as exhibitors at SaMoTer, Italy's most important exhibition for earth moving, site and building machinery scheduled at Veronafiere 22-25 February 2017 (
The sector is highlighted in Hall 5 and Outdoor Area B to ensure complete coverage during the 30th edition of the Veronafiere show.

The focus at SaMoTer 2017 is on technologies and solutions for prevention and management of environmental emergencies. It is held in conjunction with Asphaltica (the exhibition dedicated to road infrastructures organised in collaboration with Siteb) and Transpotec Logitec (the transport and logistics event by Fiera Milano). This year, moreover, it is the only b2b appointment on the calendar in Europe in a position to provide operators with a complete overview of the construction sector. Exhibiting companies cover all sectors, from earth moving to hoisting, concrete, drilling, crushing, vehicles, components and services.

In the meantime, the Italian construction market continues its recovery, as certified by the latest analysis published by the SaMoTer-Verona Observatory, developed with Prometeia using information provided by Unacea. Exports of earth-moving, road-building, concrete, aggregate and drilling machinery, as well as tower cranes, posted €2.07 billion in turnover (+0.7%) in the first ten months of 2016; imports also grew compared to the same January-October period last year to more than €663.9 million (+26%).

Consult the SaMoTer 2017 Exhibitor Catalogue (latest update: 21 January).

HOMI Communiqué final

85.115 visitors (+4,5%) , 20% from abroad. The Lifestyle Trade Fair embraces a changing market

HOMI, the Trade Fair dedicated to Lifestyles at Fiera Milano closed today, having attracted 85.115 professional visitors (+ 4,5 % on the previous edition), 20% of them coming from abroad.
This edition also highlighted international vocation the growing of the Lifestyle Trade Fair: there were approximately 17.000 international buyers , coming from 117 Countries and some of the most significant were Russia, USA, Japan, India and Europe (France and Spain).
With 1,500 exhibitors, including 21% from 38 Foreign countries (Spain, France, Germany, India and South Korea in particular) the event enjoyed a particularly positive edition and has grown significantly, three years on from the creation of the new exhibition format.
“The results show – says Roberto Rettani President of Fiera Milano – confirms HOMI as a consolidated event that is clearly characterised by its merceological offer and well established within the design community and lifestyle market.”
HOMI placed a spotlight on new consumer trends and thanks to research conducted by WGSN, the leading international market research and analytics Company, a profile was outlined of a more informed consumer, who is not merely looking for products to own, but rather wants to create a sense of identity through the products he/she selects.
Lifestyle has therefore become a mood through which consumers assert themselves. To attract their attention accessories are now inspired by new values, like the transparency of production processes or the possibility to be recycled, without giving up on being practical and smart.
As a result even retail stores are changing: they are no longer just places to shop, but rather places where consumers can live an experience, be entertained and meet other people.
All of these changes represent a challenge for players within the industry and it is for this reason that HOMI aims to provide a platform that is increasingly complete and informed.
The appointment for the next edition of the Lifestyle Trade Fair will be at Fiera Milano from 15 to 18 September 2017.