samedi 27 novembre 2021

Veronafiere : Oil&nonOil et Asphaltica


Vérone, le 27 novembre 2021 - Plus de 5 000 opérateurs qualifiés : c'est le bilan final avec lequel Oil & nonOil et Asphaltica ont clôturé hier, trois jours de manifestation à Véronafière.
Les deux salons, pour la première fois ensemble, ont réuni des entreprises et des professionnels de la supply chain routière, des infrastructures aux services de distribution de carburant et de mobilité.
Satisfaction des 150 entreprises exposantes et du public professionnel présent.

"Nous avons atteint l'objectif de créer de nouvelles synergies entre deux formats similaires, en les réunissant dans un seul centre d'exposition qui regarde vers l'avenir de la route intelligente - commente Giovanni Mantovani, directeur général de Veronafiere -. Une stratégie qui a été récompensée par les visiteurs qui, en nombre, ont déjà presque retrouvé les niveaux d'avant la pandémie, avec jusqu'à 250 acheteurs venus de l'étranger malgré la situation économique actuelle. Nous avons pu garantir un événement b2b sûr du point de vue sanitaire et efficace d'un point de vue commercial ».

Oil & nonOil est l'exposition qui depuis 2012 amène à Veronafiere le monde du réseau de distribution et de stockage de carburants, plus de 22 000 stations-service et 25 000 lave-autos en Italie, avec un regard sur l'avenir des nouvelles énergies et de la mobilité alternative.

Asphaltica est le principal salon national des technologies et des solutions pour le pavage, la sécurité et l'infrastructure des routes. Les organisateurs sont Veronafiere et SITEB - Strade Italiane e Bitumi, l'association qui rassemble des entreprises italiennes du secteur dans le pays d'une valeur d'environ 6 milliards d'euros, avec 400 usines d'enrobage en fonctionnement et 38 mille employés directs, atteignant 500 mille si on considéré les activités connexes.
Pour intégrer et compléter la partie exposition ont étés organisés 45 conférences et ateliers qui, sur les trois jours, ont analysé les opportunités offertes par le PNRR et abordé des sujets d'actualité tels que la transition énergétique, la sécurité routière, la logistique et le grand défi de l'hydrogène" Vert".
De nombreuses institutions et associations ont participé à la foire : entre autres, la vice-ministre du Développement économique, Alessandra Todde, a assisté à l'inauguration ; le dernier jour a vu la visite du vice-président de la Chambre des députés, Ettore Rosato.

jeudi 25 novembre 2021

Rimini : Sigep - The Dolce World Expo


Sarà a tutto quartiere l’edizione di gennaio 2022

del Salone Internazionale della Gelateria, Pasticceria, Panificazione Artigianali e Caffè

Rimini, 18 novembre 2021 – 28 padiglioni, 1000 brand espositori, i settori Gelato, Pastry, Choco, Bakery, Coffe in tutte le loro declinazioni e pronti, dopo due anni di assenza e crisi pandemica, a un focus su innovazione di prodotto con il fil rouge della sostenibilità; e ancora la Vision Plaza con talks in non stop su trend di filiera, consumatori, tecnologie, strategie di mercato dei diversi paesi del mondo; e poi le quattro Arene dedicate a Gelato, Pasticceria, Panificazione e Caffè in un alternarsi continuo di eventi, concorsi dimostrazioni con i grandi maestri mondiali del dolciario artigianale.

Tornerà dal vivo nel 2022 e sarà a tutto quartiere il SIGEP di IEG - Italian Exhibition Group. In fiera a Rimini, dal 22 al 26 gennaio, il 43° Salone Internazionale della Gelateria, Pasticceria, Panificazione Artigianali e Caffè porterà il dolce e il mondo dell’horeca al centro del business con aziende del calibro di Carpigiani, Gruppo Optima (con i brand Mec3, Pernigotti-Maestri Gelatieri Italiani, Giuso), Fabbri 1905, Lavazza, Valrhona, Polin Group, Molino Quaglia.

E proprio ieri si è riunito a Rimini, per la prima volta dal vivo dopo due anni, il Comitato Tecnico della Gelateria del SIGEP.

Per Corrado Peraboni, amministratore delegato di IEG: “Si è trattato di un momento denso di significato, relazionale e di business. Il ritrovarsi tutti in presenza, ha nuovamente dato la misura dell’espressione corale di consenso che anima gli stakeholders della filiera del gelato nel loro rapporto con Sigep”.

Il Comitato - spiega Flavia Morelli, group exhibition manager della divisione Food&Beverage di IEG - è composto da Acomag l’Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Macchine, Arredamenti, Attrezzature per il Gelato, Artglace la Confederation des Associations des Artisans Glaciers de la Communautè Europenne, Associazione Italiana Gelatieri, Cna Alimentare, Confartigianato Alimentazione, Federazione Italiana Gelatieri, Gat - Gelatieri Artigiani Triveneto, Uif – Gruppo Ingredienti per Gelato, e Comitato organizzatore della Gelato World Cup. Dunque con le nove associazioni presenti abbiamo avuto una rappresentazione completa della filiera del gelato con un apprezzamento pieno per il palinsesto di temi e le opportunità di sviluppo che animeranno Sigep 2022”.

Un SIGEP22 in tutta sicurezza per buyers e aziende grazie al protocollo anti-covid #safebusiness by IEG e all’accreditamento mondiale Gbac Star  




Vinitaly Special Edition 2021

 54thVinitaly scheduled 10-13 April 2022. 


Verona, 19 October 2021.Attendance by more than 12,000 professional operators, with more than 2,500 buyers (about 22% of total) from 60 countries: the special and extraordinary edition of Vinitaly closes today as the third and last Italian stage in the run up to 54th edition scheduled 10-13 April 2022.

“This result goes far beyond our expectations," said the President of Veronafiere, Maurizio Danese. "Companies, consortia, agricultural and supply chain associations and operators rewarded this business initiative project with a high rate of contacts and sales, as well as a unanimous index of satisfaction. The third event attended in person with Vinitaly today," Danese concluded, "is part of a scenario of impressive acceleration of Made in Italy exports and Italian wineon all the main target markets, including the domestic market thanks to collaboration activated with Fipe and Vinarius. We are experiencing a strong recovery in which Veronafiere plays a fundamental driving role for the internationalization of SMEs and Italian wine, with a commitment towards increasing the value of sales.

"The map of countries taking part in Vinitaly Special Edition sees Europe (with Northern countries, Germany and France in front), Russia, the United States and Canada lead demand for Italian wine at the trade fair, followed by Eastern Europe (Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic), the United Kingdom and China, returning to Verona again.

"This geography," commented Giovanni Mantovani, CEO of Veronafiere, "is perfectly aligned with the growth figures seen on international markets which, in the first 7 months of this year, posted an overall leap ahead of 15% compared to the same period last year. We upheld our declared commitment to organise a highly qualified Special Edition thanks also to the support of ICE Trade Agency," Mantovani went on, "with international operators arriving precisely from the areas where Italian wine is growing significantly. "Now," Mantovani concluded, "we are aiming to achieve a great 54thVinitaly in 2022."Areas of interest among operators and buyers saw those dedicated to organic wines achieve a surge in attendance. Over the three days, 42 exhibitors in this segment saw their agendas crammed with b2b appointments, especially with buyers from Northern Europe, Germany and France. 

And in relation to new trends, the Mixology Masterclass calendar was sold out. There was also positive feedback for the equally Special Editions of Sol&Agrifood and Enolitech. 

Servizio Stampa Veronafiere

dimanche 21 novembre 2021

ZOOMARK 2021 - Bolognafiere

Mission accomplished successfully for ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL 2021. A success in terms of exhibitor numbers with more than 450 exhibitors, 60% of who arrived from abroad from 44 different countries. 

A success in terms of international attendance because, in spite of the travel limitations on certain geographical areas imposed by the pandemic, foreign operators were among those taking centre stage at this edition of the event. A success in terms of business, which was lively and supported by an expanding market rich in innovations and, finally, a success because in just a few months, following the official green light for holding large scale trade events, BolognaFiere put back on track the only international event in 2021 for the pet care compartment, bringing forward the event by six months (from its initial scheduling in May 2022 due to the pandemic emergency).

Bologna, November 12, 2021 - ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL has reconfirmed its importance as a moment of reflection for the industry and an essential platform for strategic business planning, further consolidating its international position.

Welcoming national and international operators were more than 400 new products and a new functional exhibition layout in strict compliance with anti-Covid regulations, enabling exhibitors and operators to work intensively and in full safety.

“We worked intensely to organise this edition of the Exhibition,” explained Gianpiero Calzolari, President of BolognaFiere, “because we felt it was essential to offer the sector an opportunity to meet after the long interruption resulting from the pandemic. We would sincerely like to thank the reference associations, Assalco and ANMVI, for their cooperation, as well as the companies that believed in the success of the exhibition by confirming their participation, and the operators who came to Bologna from all over the world. The success of this edition is an incentive for us to achieve new goals and face new international challenges.” The statistics concerning the sector, presented through the 14th ASSALCO-ZOOMARK REPORT at the opening conference of the event, highlighted the growing trends regarding the need, and care, for pets, especially during the period of the health emergency that is still ongoing in Italy and worldwide. The Report, which analysed the market and the main socio-cultural trends in the Pet world in Italy, revealed that in the year ending June 2021 (data processed by IRI Information Resources) the market for dog and cat food products in Italy (Grocery Retail channel, Traditional Pet shops, Pet shop Chains, Grocery Retail own pet shops and general online retailers – Grocery Retail groups and Amazon) achieved a turnover of 2,431 million euros, an increase of +8%. The main distribution platforms (Grocery Retail, Traditional Pet shops, Pet shop Chains) achieved a turnover of 2,338.7 million euros, a positive trend of +6.4%. According to Euromonitor, there are an estimated 62 million pets in Italy, including almost 30 million fish, more than 16 million dogs and cats, about 13 million birds and more than 3.5 million small mammals and reptiles.

The 2021 edition has also invested in the programme of conventions and meetings focusing, among other things, on foreign markets, developed with partners such as Euromonitor and ICE-Agenzia. Thanks to digital technology, the fair also organised Zoomark Digital Session in the week leading up to the event, a platform for arranging meetings between exhibitors and international buyers, distributors and retailers in the specialised and Grocery Retail channels, facilitating business and supporting operators who, due to the pandemic, were unable to attend ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL 2021 in person.

During the three days of the exhibition, the new “Pet Vision” area especially for products launched on the market in the last eighteen months was also busy and well received. With 400 new products organised into seven market trends, the event highlighted the sector's propensity for innovation.
ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL 2021 is organised by BolognaFiere with the support of Assalco (the National Association of Pet Care and Pet Food Industries), ANMVI (the National Association of Italian Veterinary Doctors), the Emilia-Romagna regional administration and Promopet.

THE NEXT EDITION OF ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL will take place at the Bologna Exhibition Centre in May 2023.

jeudi 11 novembre 2021

Fieracavalli 2021

Fieracavalli se relance avec un autre week-end de passion équestre dédié aux disciplines occidentales, aux pur-sang arabes et au concours hippique ibérique et frison

Vérone, le 11 novembre 2021 - Après le premier week-end à Veronafiere, la passion équestre donne un nouveau rendez-vous aux familles, athlètes, passionnés et opérateurs du secteur : de demain, vendredi 12, au dimanche 14 novembre, le deuxième week-end de Fieracavalli, qui cette année a revu son format, doublant les jours de la foire.

Si dans la première partie de l'espace événementiel a été consacré à la biodiversité des races italiennes, dans les prochains jours, l'accent sera mis sur les particularités des spécimens américains, arabes et espagnols. Cela ouvre des horizons à de nouveaux mondes avec des cultures et des traditions différentes, à découvrir à travers la figure du cheval qui sera le protagoniste des plus de 200 événements programmés, notamment des compétitions sportives, des expositions et des conférences.

A partir de demain à la foire de Vérone, il y aura encore 1 500 chevaux, atteignant ainsi 3 000 si on les ajoute à  spécimens de la première semaine. Les 300 entreprises de plus de 10 pays réparties sur 25 000 mètres carrés de pavillons dédiés, avec des acheteurs de 18 pays, sont confirmées grâce aux programmes entrants en collaboration avec ICE-Agenzia. 8 pavillons plus des espaces extérieurs à visiter avec 5 terrains de compétition, en plus de 3 anneaux pour tester et échauffer les binômes. Pour l'exposition, le protocole de sécurité anti-Covid Véronafière reste actif : pour accéder au quartier, un pass vert est requis et, à l'intérieur, un service de caméra est prévu, prêt à signaler tout point de rassemblement.

Le deuxième week-end, donc, les projecteurs seront braqués sur les courses d'équitation western, les compétitions morphologiques et les championnats italiens des disciplines de cow-boy : Team Penning et Ranch Sorting. Sont également au programme le Championnat d'Europe réservé aux pur-sang arabes, ainsi que le concours hippique ibérique et frison avec des démonstrations de Dressage, Lycée et Doma Vaquera.

Le saut d'obstacles national du FISE reprend avec les compétitions du National Pony Show, du Master Mariuccia Grandinetti et du Top Ten Ambassador. Retour aussi pour l'Espace Famille qui, à la demande générale, agrandit l'espace dédié aux activités pour les plus petits avec la possibilité de connaître le monde du cheval à travers des moments ludiques-didactiques, l'émotion du Baptême de la Selle et créatif moments avec des ateliers artistiques.

Fieracavalli est aussi un lieu de rencontres approfondies sur des thématiques telles que le tourisme, l'économie circulaire et la gestion des réseaux sociaux, déclinées en relation avec le monde équestre.
Enfin, de demain à dimanche, la troisième édition de l'exposition thématique d'art contemporain reste ouverte   Art équestre & Cavallo avec 80 œuvres d'artistes internationaux, conçu par l'architecte Federica Crestani.